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Dr Olivia Lesslar


​Evolutionary Lens
Functional Medicine
ME/CFS, Long Covid
Neurodegeneration (dementia)
Complex, multisystem conditions
​Integrative Oncology Information
Biohacking and Preventative Health
MCAS - Dysautonomia - Hypermobility
PsychoNeuroImmunology (mind-body)
Left-of-Field and Out-of-the-Box Thinking

Dr Olivia works with innovative clinics, companies and organisations worldwide. She only practices medicine in Australia, through her coordinating clinic in Sydney, for patients with brain/mind issues - Cingulum Health - a neuro centre founded by renowned neurosurgeon Professor Charles Teo. There, with her psychiatry colleagues, she curates personalised programs of synergistic adjuncts for neuroplasticity including transcranial magnetic stimulation, hyperbaric oxygen, photobiomodulation, PEMF, breathwork, physical rehab, dietary experiments with the gut-brain axis in mind eg: keto, paleo and AIP, supplements, and information about nootropic peptides.


Dr Olivia is available for online non-medical health consults where she interrogates your issues through a psychoneuroimmunology (mind-body) lens. "Non-medical" means that Dr Olivia does not diagnose or treat medical conditions. Please refer to the Consultations page for more information.


Dr Olivia is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer with The National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases, a world-class research facility focusing on mechanisms of ME/CFS and long covid, and a faculty lecturer at the Geneva College of Longevity Science.


She splits her residency between the USA, London, continental Europe, Sydney, and the Gold Coast (Australia). She has an interest in Quantum Medicine, Psychophysiology and Consciousness.  

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Contact Me

If you are after a consultation for a health condition, you MUST refer to the Consultations page first to understand fees and conditions before contacting us! If and when you are ready to proceed, message the team with a BRIEF overview of your issues.


FEES for an online, non-medical, health consult:

50 min consult £520 / €620 / USD$670 / AUD$1000.

20 min consult £320 / €370 / USD$400 / AUD$600.


For all appointments and meetings, please book in via my Calendly:


Thanks for submitting!

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