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Terms & Conditions & Fees

Dr Olivia Lesslar is a registered medical practitioner in Australia who treats Australia-based medical patients with brain/mind issues through her clinic Cingulum Health in Sydney


Dr Olivia is available to clients for online non-medical health consults where she interrogates your issues through a psychoneuroimmunology (mind-body) lens. "Non-medical" means that Dr Olivia does not diagnose or treat medical conditions.


She is a professional expert who prepares non-conventional medicine information documents for you to take to your medical doctor about your case, she is not your treating doctor. She has an interest across all aspects of medicine, particularly in complex conditions of psychophysiology (mind-body), "mystery illnesses", prevention, and "biohacking".


She is not averse to recommending short therapeutic runs of medications and supplements to your doctor to consider, but focuses on whole food, removing triggers, flooding the body with safety signals, and addressing underlying causes.


Dr Olivia Lesslar WILL NOT practise as your primary care physician/GP. She will conduct an ONLINE consultation with you on the premise that you have a GP and/or treating health practitioner.  She DOES NOT see patients on a rolling ongoing basis.  Dr Olivia’s recommendations are made directly to your treating healthcare practitioner(s). It is your treating healthcare practitioner who selects and authorises the administration of the specific recommendations.


Dr Olivia remains available for REMOTE consultation and discussion with your healthcare practitioner about any aspect of her recommendations. If you do not have an Integrative Medicine doctor as your primary care doctor, and you want one, Dr Olivia recommends that you find one through, or


FEES for an online, non-medical, health consult:

60 min consult £520 / €620 / USD$670 / AUD$1000.

30 min consult £320 / €370 / USD$400 / AUD$600.


This is not a service where an Australian Medicare benefit or ANY insurance benefit can be applied. 


NOTE(S): An online meeting or telephone conversation is not sufficient to establish the patient-doctor relationship between you and Dr Olivia. Therefore, because you are not her patient, Dr Olivia cannot make specific recommendations directly to you in the course of the initial online meeting or thereafter. Consequently, you must have no expectation of direct medical treatment by Dr. Lesslar, or medical recommendations directly to you from her.  You do not need a referral for a consultation but you MUST to be under the care of a registered medical practitioner who is treating you as per local medical guidelines, as Dr. Lesslar does not take on that role.


You are responsible for taking your own notes during your consults with Dr. Lesslar, as it is with all doctors. Excess admin charges are discretionary.


Only CONCIERGE patients may have Medicare Benefits applied to basic bloods or X-Rays done through Dr. Lesslar. Unless you are a current CONCIERGE patient, Dr. Olivia Lesslar DOES NOT write referrals to medical specialists, or prescribe medications and/or tests. 




Dr Olivia Lesslar consults clients on non-medical issues, particularly through a psychoneuroimmunology lens. For all consultations, please contact admin: For anything brain/mind-related, you can make an appointment through Cingulum Health.


Dr. Lesslar provides concierge services for patients in the USA in affiliation with Everest Clinic in Washington D.C. She does not take on the role of your physician, but exercises an advisory role to the trusted Everest Team. To inquire about concierge services, please contact Dr. Lesslar's administrative staff at:

United Kingdom

Dr Olivia Lesslar sees clients online though The Human Regenerator office at 1 Duchess Street, where she is the Chief Medical Advisor. For all consultations, please visit:

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